Her everyone, Joe Malone here. I have had a lot of people ask me questions about Beachbody, or tell me something that they believe about becoming a Team Beachbody Coach that simply isn’t true. So, I have created this page. Guess what…..YOU can be a Beachbody Coach! Here is a 7 minute video from Beachbody, and then I will get into my thoughts.
So, you may have a few question right now. Let me guess what they are, and answer them while I am at it.
Is Team Beachbody a Scam?
Well, let’s look at the simple facts. They create quality products. They allow people to partner with them for $40 (No charge if you are military or a veteran – CLICK HERE to learn more about that). They pay you a 25% commission on sales that you refer They allow you to help others do the same. What in there makes it a scam? A lot of people think that if you can sign someone else up, it must be a pyramid. No, that is called franchising. There are literally thousands of companies out there, well respected companies, that use this business model. There is nothing illegal, immoral or unethical about being a Beachbody Coach!
Can I Really Make Money as a Beachbody Coach?
Absolutely, BUT nothing is guaranteed. Here is how it works. If you become a coach, and you do nothing, how much do you think you will make? NOTHING! If you Become a Team Beachbody Coach, and you refer someone to buy P90X, what will you make? You will make about $30, which is 25% of the cost of the program. Sell 10 programs, make 25% on all 10. There are coaches who make nothing, and there are coaches who make 7 figures a year (no, that is not counting after the decimal point).
Can I Really Succeed as a Beachbody Coach?
This is one of the things that I LOVE about this company. ANYBODY (assuming you are 18 or older and live in the US or Canada), can be a coach! You do not need any personal trainer certifications, a college degree, or need to know anything about fitness. You don’t even need to be in shape. What you do need is the desire to help people live healthier lives. If you have that, I will help you with the rest. Just CLICK HERE to join my team today.
What is the Catch?
I love this question. The catch is that you actually need to do some work to make money. If you do nothing, you make nothing. The beautiful thing is that you have coaches (like me), that are here to help you. By joining through any of the links on this page, you will join my team. You will myself, along with the amazing team of coaches that I am a part of, all here to help you.
Do you have any more questions about Joining Team Beachbody? CONTACT ME HERE, I will be happy to answer them.