How Much Does It Cost To Become A Beachbody Coach? This is a question that I get all of the time. Well, here is the simply answer. It costs $39 to Become A Beachbody Coach, and you can get signed up HERE.
A lot of times when people ask me, “How much does it cost to become a Beachbody coach“, I tell them that, and they say that it is too much. They do not know what they are paying for. So, let me break down what you get when you Become A Beachbody Coach.
- You are now in business for yourself. You now have the opportunity to put in as much, or as little time as you want into building YOUR Beachbody business.
- You now have the rights to market ALL of the Beachbody products, earning you generous 25% commissions, and you do not even need to keep inventory. You simply refer people to the site that Beachbody provides for you, and if they buy, you earn!
- You now receive a 25% discount on ALL Beachbody programs, along with Shakeology (Even the new Vegan Shakeology)
- You have access to an incredible back office, along with coach relations, and your fellow Beachbody coaches (like myself) to help you build your business.

WAIT! Did I mention that you can become a Beachbody coach for free?
This is something that a lot of people do not know about. This is when I really get people’s attention. I love being able to answer, “How Much Does It Cost To Become A Beachbody Coach“, it costs NOTHING! How does it work?
Introducing The Challenge Packs!
What is a Challenge Pack? This is HUGE! Challenge Packs are a new way for people to get a great discount on some products, and Become A Beachbody Coach for FREE! Challenge packs consist of a fitness program and Shakeology. You receive both products at a great discount, and the answer to, “How Much Does It Cost To Become A Beachbody Coach” become NOTHING!