The Truth About Smoking

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

It is no secret that smoking is bad…….right?  Here is what the cigarette companies have to say about it (video below if you’d rather watch one of the ads that the tobacco companies have put out). Smoking kills 1200 Americans…………….. … Continued


10 Reasons to Get Active Now

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

It is no secret that being active is good for you.  Still, there are millions of people (as shown by the global obesity epidemic) that still are not motivated.  Even if you are not obese, skinny does NOT mean healthy.  … Continued


Why is Weight Loss So Overwhelming

posted in: Weight Loss | 0

“I would need to lose 100 lbs to hit my desired weight.  I could suffer everyday trying to reach it, or I could eat cookies.”  Those might not be your exact thoughts or words, but that is something 1 person … Continued


3 Simple Steps to Eating Healthier

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

If you are like me, and most other people out there, you would much rather grab a big bowl of ice cream than have a piece of fruit.  Don’t worry, all hope is not lost.  There is a simple, yet … Continued


10 Minute KILLER Ab Workout

posted in: Weight Loss | 0

This isn’t a post where I am going to make you read a bunch.  This is simply a great 10 minute ab workout.  If you like it, like this page, tweet it, maybe even share it on Facebook.  Also, if … Continued
