Balancing Workouts With Life

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I don’t know about you, but I am pretty busy.  Between work, spending time with my wife and son, helping around the house, and running My Beachbody Business, there isn’t a whole lot of time for working out.  However, I … Continued


Is Eating Natural Worth It?

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

My son just turned 8 months, and to date, he has only had breast milk and organic fruits and vegetables.  Several people have made comments about us being “those people,” or about how it is because we are first time … Continued


Does Muscle Turn To Fat

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

“If I stop working out, will my muscle turn to fat?”  I have had a lot of people ask me over the years about muscle, and whether or not it can turn into fat, either with age, or if they … Continued


Is Your Job Killing You

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

I’m sure that you have heard someone say that sitting so much is killing us.  Well, science is proving more and more that it is true.  Our sedentary lifestyles are not only lowering our quality of life, but it also … Continued


10 Tips To Maximize Your Potential

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

Everyone has (or at least should have) goals.  When it comes to your health and fitness, what are yours?  Now, what are you doing to achieve them?  These 10 tips will help you get focused on what you really want … Continued
