10 Day Health Challenge

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Are you where you want to be in terms of your health? Are you happy when you look in the mirror? Do you feel healthy and energized? If you answered yes to these 3 questions, GREAT! You may already be … Continued


How Do You Start Your Day?

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

The alarm goes off. You groan, roll over, and hit snooze. 10 minutes later you do the same. And maybe a few more times. By the time your feet finally hit the floor, enough time has passed that now you’re … Continued


How And Why Is Your Food Poisoned?

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

I’d like to say that it surprises me when I read a news article about poison in our foods, but it is sadly becoming normal.  This latest one (that I will explain below) really gets to me.  What gets to … Continued


21 Days To A New You

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

I could spend a lot of time talking about health facts and why it is important to take care of yourself.  Instead, let’s do this the easy way.  Below are 5 questions.  ANSWER THEM HONESTLY!  Then, if you are ready … Continued


So You Want to be Amish Healthy?

posted in: Health And Fitness | 0

With today’s medical “advancements”, you would think that the Amish would be far less healthy than the average American, right?  After all, they do not use the modern medicine that the rest of us use.  Well, a group of Ohio … Continued
