3 Simple Changes To Start Losing Weight Fast

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hard to lose weightI think you’ll agree with me when I say that weight loss can be overwhelming.  How can I possibly get from where I am to where I want to be?  It’s too hard!  I have too far too go!  I can’t do it!

Guess what…..YES YOU CAN!

With so much information out there, how do you know what really works, what’s healthy, and what is just someone trying to rip you off.  I am going to keep this simple are to the point.

There is Hope!

The truth is, the weight loss journey doesn’t need to be filled with weight loss pills, diet fads, expensive equipment, or other bank breaking costs.  You don’t need to be a nutritionist, hire a $50/hour personal trainer, or read every website or book about weight loss.

I am about to give you 3 simple steps to start losing weight fast.

weight-loss-overwhelming3 Simple Changes to Start Losing Weight

  1. Stop drinking your calories!  It is crazy how many calories people drink.  Between coffee, soda, milk, juice, alcohol, whatever it is, people tend to go overboard.  Don’t get me wrong, I love a glass of milk here and there, but there is one drink that should be your default the overwhelming majority of the time.  Water!  Yes, you have heard this before.  You are hearing it again because it is true.  Before you drink anything in the morning, have a glass of water.  Before each meal, drink a glass of water.  It will help you feel full, which will help you eat less, and water is needed for your body to function properly.
  2. Start moving!  I get this question a lot.  “What exercise is the best one for weight loss?”  My answer is always the same.  It is the one that you will do.  If I tell you it is cross-country skiing, but you aren’t going to start cross-country skiing, then what does it matter.  Find something you enjoy, and DO IT!  If you are looking for a workout program to get you moving, I highly suggest Beachbody on Demand.  It gives you access to hundreds of workouts, including P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, and much more.  I like it because you can bounce between programs and trainers.  This is great for keeping you engaged and interested.  Find a trainer that you like, and then check out there workouts.  I like Tony and Sagi, but my wife likes Chalean.  Grab a FREE TRIAL HERE.
  3. Cut the white out of your diet!  White pastas and breads doesn’t really do anything good for you, but it sure will help you pack on some pounds.  Switch to whole wheat, whole grain, super grain, anything that starts with whole wheat as the first ingredient.  It will give you more nutrients, your body will process it better, and it will help you start dropping those unwanted pounds.

