Shakeology – Everything That You Need To Know About Beachbody’s Super Shake
What Is Shakeology?
I get this question a lot. People here great things about it, but they do not really know a lot about what it actually is. So, I am about to answer the question, What Is Shakeology? Created by Beachbody, Shakeology is a nutritional supplement drink. More specifically, it is THE nutritional supplement drink. This ultra-premium nutrient packed, low calorie shake is a blend of super foods from around the world, unlike any other shake out there. Over 70 fruits, vegetables, and herbs go into the shakes. Included are numerous super foods, which will help you get into the best shape of your life.
Why Use Shakeology?
The main reason that people start using Shakeology is to lose weight. The shakes help keep you feeling full throughout the day, which leads to eating less, which leads to weight loss. Also, Shakeology falls very low the glycemic index. Any food that scored under a 55 is healthy, helping keep blood sugar level throughout the day. That means less cravings, a more stable mood, you don’t get the energy bursts, followed by crashes that you get with many foods, and you are getting nutrients that you would need to consume incredible amounts of fruits and vegetable to duplicate.
Watch this quick video about Shakeology and the importance of the glycemic index
Because Shakeology scores so low on the glycemic index, a 24 to be specific, it has also been a helpful tool for many diabetics. There have been many claims that it has actually helped people control their diabetes better, in some cases getting rid of their insulin dependancy. Shakeology does not claim to be a treatment for diabetes. When you look at what doctors recommend, a combination of exercises and proper nutrition, specifically low calorie, nutrient rich food, it is no wonder many diabetics have chosen to use Shakeology as a tool in their fight for their health.
Here are some helpful links that may answer some of your Shakeology questions.
Is Shakeology Worth It?
Is Shakeology Vegan Friendly?
How Much Does Shakeology Cost?
The simply answer is $120. That is if you are ordering regular Shakeology at retail price. There are other option though. Vegan Shakeology costs $10 more per month (again, that is retail). Is it worth it? I believe so, Which is why I drink it. I explain why Shakeology Is Worth It HERE
There are different prices for Shakeology that are avaialabe. It depends on your association with Team Beachbody. In a nut shell, coaches and VIP members get discounts. Here is the simle breakdown.
How Much Does Shakeology Cost Retail?
There are 2 different retail prices for Shakeology. The first is for the original flavors, which are Chocolate and Greenberry. These retail for $119.95. The 2 newest flavors, which are Tropical Vegan and Vegan Chocolate Shakeology retail for $129.95.
What Is The Club Member Price?
Club members receive a 10% discount off Shakeology, along with the fitness programs from Beachbody. That brings the prices down to $108 for the regular flavors, and $117 for the vegan flavors.
What Is The Biggest Shakeology Discount?
The cheapest way to get Shakeology is as a coach. Coaches receive a 25% off Shakeology, along with all of the Beachbody programs. That brings the prices down to $90 for the original flavors, and $98 for the vegan shakeology flavors. CLICK HERE to learn more about becoming a Team Beachbody Coach.
Here is a great article to help you understand the different pricing options of Shakeology.
Shakeology – It Gets Better!
So, what Is Shakeology going to do for someone not trying to lose weight? It would be awesome if we all had perfect diets, got all of the nutrients that our bodies need, and didn’t have the struggles of low energy, blood sugar levels having drastic changes throughout the day, and nutritional deficits. The problem is that we do. Shakeology is a great way for the anyone, from the couch potato to the elite athlete, to give their body what it really needs. It will leave you feeling energized, promotes healthy digestion and regularity, and even has potential for lowering your cholesterol. Think of Shakeology as the missing link in your quest for a healthier body. Now, you have found it. Give Shakeology a shot
Here are some important facts if you really want to know what Shakeology is.
– No caffeine
– No gluten
– No refined sugars
– No artificial sweeteners
OK, so you may be wondering what I am not telling you….Well here it is!
– Shakeology has only 140 calories per scoop!
– The nutritional contents BLOW AWAY the competition. Take a quick look at what you get from Shakeology
– If you sign up for Home Direct, which is where your Shakeology is automatically delivered each month, you get FREE shipping!
– You receive 2 FREE workout DVD’s with your Shakeology order
– Discounts are available for coaches and club members. To get more details about these opportunities, check out the COACHES PAGE or the CLUB MEMBERSHIP PAGE, or you can shoot me an email at
I have my degree in Physical Education. I went into that field because I want to help people live healthier lives. I would not recommend a product that I did not fully believe in. I am going to show you a quick video to show you what Shakeology is really all about, according to doctors. Then, I want you to do me a favor. Take everything that you have seen, and make an education decision. If you pay attention to the information, that decision will more than likely lead you to giving Shakeology a shot!
Not ready yet? Learn more in the following video.
Well, you asked What Is Shakeology. Let’s see what doctors are saying!

Order Shakeology Here
Take A Look At How Pure Shakeology Is

Order Shakeology Here
How Much Does Shakeology Cost?
This is a question that I get a lot. You would think it would be the same for everyone, but it is not. The price that you pay for Shakeology depends on what you association is with Beachbody. Are you a retail customer? Are you a VIP Club Member? Are you a coach? These three different groups all pay different amounts.
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