Is Eating Natural Worth It?

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benefits-of-organic-foodMy son just turned 8 months, and to date, he has only had breast milk and organic fruits and vegetables.  Several people have made comments about us being “those people,” or about how it is because we are first time parents.  After all, eating organic is expensive, and it doesn’t really do anything for you, right?  WRONG!  Well, maybe not so much about it being expensive, but about it not doing anything for you.

Here is a quick video that may change you mind about whether or not it is worth the extra money.

Sadly, the food that we eat in the US is treated with all sorts of chemicals.  So, while you think you are eating healthy, you may actually be poisoning your body.  Yes, organic food typically costs more.  My wife and I have not fully switched over yet, but we are slowly replacing certain foods that we eat with organic options.  Will we ever make it fully organic?  I don’t know.  But every time that we replace foods that are covered in pesticides, or that are heavily processed, we are making our bodies just a little healthier.

My Challenge to You

I challenge you to take one thing that you and your family eat on a regular basis and swap it out with an organic alternative.  Can you do it?
