Do These 5 Things If You Think You Are Getting A Cold

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It’s that time of year.  It seems like everyone is getting sick.  Maybe you have been fortunate so far, and have avoided the uncomfortable cold symptoms.  But now, uh oh, you are starting to feel it.  It’s OK, not all hope is lost.  While many people will tell you that the second you are exposed, there is nothing that you can do, science disagrees.  Here are 10 things that you should do as soon as you feel that you may be coming down with something.

  1. Hydrate – Yes, this is something that you have heard before.  Why?  Being hydrated helps thin the mucus that your body produces when you are sick, which makes it easier for your body to clear it out of your system.
  2. Gargle with salt water – By gargling a half of a teaspoon with a cup of warm water, you will help flush away viruses and bacteria.  Additionally, the salt can help reduce inflammation in your throat.
  3. Take a hot shower – The warm moisture that you take in when you take a hot shower helps clear your nasal passages.
  4. Honey – Grab yourself a spoon full of honey.  Not only does it simply make your throat feel better, it is also believed to be antimicrobial.  Oh yea, and honey tastes good.
  5. Get some rest – This one is simple.  Go to bed!  Research has shown that people who get more than 8 hours of sleep are less likely to get sick than people who get less than 7 hours of sleep.

Beachbody on Demand WorkoutsThere is no guarantee that anything is going to get rid of that cold once you have been exposed.  However, why not give your body every chance that you can?  In the end, take care of yourself.  If you are having trouble with your diet, or can’t seem to stay motivated to workout, check out Beachbody on Demand HERE.  Get access to thousands of workouts, along with amazing meal plans and support.  Sign up for the 3 month membership to get a free 14 day trial!  Order Beachbody on Demand
