So You Want To Start Working Out

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If you are reading this, my hope is that you have decided to start a new journey. This journey is a true life changer if you take it seriously. I know that for someone who is new to working out, getting started can feel overwhelming. Hopefully the following tips will help. The key is to actually take them seriously. Believe me, you will have 1,000 reasons pop up to deter you from working out. All it takes is one reason to keep going. Find that one reason, whatever it is. Whether it is you being sick of being sick, wanting to run a race, wanting to lose weight, wanting to be healthy for your kids and grandchildren, whatever it is. That is your “why”. Once you have your why, it is time to look at the “how”. Here are some steps to help you begin your fitness journey:

1. Set Clear Goals: Start by defining your goals. Do you want to improve overall fitness, lose weight, gain muscle, or enhance your endurance? Setting specific and realistic goals will provide you with a sense of direction and motivation. I am going to lose 10 lbs in the next 60 days! That is a real goal. I am going to lose 50 lbs in the next 60 days! That is unrealistic and unhealthy! Select something realistic, write it down, read it each day, and use it for motivation. If you struggle with goal setting, here is an article to help you with goal setting.

2. Consult with a Healthcare Professional: Before starting any exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. Remember, your goal is to be healthier. You don’t want to go doing something that will lead to worse health. A good healthcare provider can assess your current health status and provide guidance on appropriate exercises and any precautions you should take.

3. Start Slow and Gradually Increase Intensity: It’s important to ease into exercise, particularly if you are new to it. I like to look at it this way. You can start slow and let your body gradually adapt, or you can rush in, get hurt, and need to wait even longer before you can start your fitness transformation. Begin with low-impact activities such as walking, cycling, or swimming. If you want to start with lifting weights, be sure to start light. Start with shorter durations and lower intensities and gradually increase the duration, frequency, and intensity of your workouts as your fitness level improves. If you really have no idea where to start with your workouts, check out Beachbody on Demand Here. It will give you access to some of the top trainers in the world. TIP – Select the 3 month option to get a free 2 week trial.

4. Find Activities You Enjoy: I can’t tell you how many times someone has asked me, “What is the best exercise to lose weight?” The answer is simple. It is the one that you will do. Experiment with different forms of exercise to find activities that you genuinely enjoy. This will increase your chances of sticking to your workout routine in the long term. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, playing a sport, or attending group fitness classes, find something that makes you look forward to exercising. Most people do not have the drive to keep doing something that they do not enjoy. So, unless you are one of those weirdos that genuinely enjoys working out just to workout, be sure to find an activity that keep you interested.

5. Incorporate Strength Training: Why don’t people want to lift things up and put things down? It is important, and I think a little enjoyable. Don’t overlook strength training. The benefits include increased muscle strength, improved metabolism, and better overall body composition. Increasing muscle mass is a great way to get your metabolism fired up and jump start the weight loss process. Just remember, start light. Also, strength training does not need to include weights. You are a weight. Your body is a great tool for working out. You can absolutely strength train with just your body weight. So, I pretty much just eliminated the excuse of “I don’t have weights.”

6. Focus on Proper Form: When starting a new exercise, pay attention to your form and technique. Performing exercises with proper form not only maximizes effectiveness but also reduces the risk of injury. I try not to say anything when I see people lifting really heavy weights, but their range of motion is almost nothing and their overall form is horrific. Forget about how heavy the weight is. Nobody cares how much you can bench! Focus on clean form and full range of motion.

7. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after exercise. It’s normal to experience some muscle soreness, but if you feel sharp pain or excessive discomfort, modify or stop the exercise. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to injuries, which ends up setting you back a lot. Push yourself, but also know your limits and give yourself time to rest and recover. Learning how much recovery you need comes with time, but you know your body better than anyone else. Listen to it!

8. Gradually Increase Exercise Duration and Intensity: Have you ever heard of the overload principle? Here is what it basically comes down to. As your fitness level improves, gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts. This helps to continue challenging your body and making progress towards your goals. Our bodies are amazing. They adapt to the demands that we put on them. So in order to keep improving, we need to keep changing the demands.

9. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to achieving fitness goals. Aim for regular exercise sessions throughout the week, even if they are shorter in duration. Consistency will help you build a habit and make exercise a part of your lifestyle. Remember, when in doubt, just do something. Maybe you don’t feel fully recovered from your last workout. Just go for a walk today. Maybe you are just going to do a stretch for today. The key is to just do something.

10. Celebrate Milestones and Progress: Earlier I mention setting goals. Well, since you have them, celebrate them when you achieve them! Whatever goal you reach, whether it is reaching a certain weight, improving your strength, or increasing your endurance, celebrate it (not with junk food)! Set yourself up for some early victories to get you pumped up.

Remember, everyone’s fitness journey is unique, and progress takes time. Be patient, stay committed, and focus on enjoying the process.
