How To Reset Your Body’s Clock

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Camping-In-Tent-Under-StarsDo you find yourself staying up later than you should?  Does that tend to result in you either waking up later than you would like, or not getting enough sleep?  While many people resort to various sleep aids, researchers have found a much easier, healthier, and more enjoyable technique.  Go camping!

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What The Study Showed

Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder sent one group camping, while the other group stayed home.  The result?  The group that went camping shifted their melatonin level rise by 1.4 hours at night.  What does that mean?  More importantly, what did that do?  The group that went camping went to sleep and woke up earlier than those who stayed home.

Why Does It Work?

The reason for this major change is actually very simple.  When you go camping (real camping), you remove yourself from the culprit, artificial light.  By depending on nature’s light, your body returns to its natural patterns.


Not A Camper?

While I personal enjoy camping, I know that it is not for everyone.  So, what can you do?  Michael Breus, PhD sleep specialist, and author of The Power of When, says to start dimming your lights and shutting off all electronics 60 to 90 minutes before bed.  I am a teacher.  I always tell the students that, at least when they have a big test coming up, they should get into bed early.  That does NOT mean get into bed and play on your phone until 2 AM.
