5 Habits of Healthy Runners

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running4. Recover – I know that people love the old saying, “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”  Too bad it is not true.  Your body is not designed to go go go.  You need rest.  Your muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, everything needs time to recover.  Give yourself at least 1-2 days a week of either complete rest, or active rest, such as a long stretch.  Your body is smarter than you are, so pay attention to it.

5. Have Fun – If you are not enjoying what you are doing, chances are that you are not going to stick with it.  Get an Ipod and make a playlist of your favorite songs.  Find a running partner.  Whatever you need to do, make it so that you enjoy your runs.  You will find yourself running further, and more often.

Combat Beachbody
