Am I Fat?

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Are you asking yourself, Am I Fat? Take a look at the world right now. Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are just a few of the major health risks that we are facing. Let’s look at the health aspects of your extra body weight, help you determine where you stand, and help you get where you want to get.
As a society, there is no doubt that yes, we are fat. What about you, as an individual? If you are asking yourself the question, “Am I Fat”, then it is probably for 1 or more of the following reasons. You do not like the way you look. You do not feel healthy. You have been putting on weight. Someone else said something to make you think that you are fat. Do any of these apply to you?
Whatever the reason, all I am concerned about is helping people achieve healthy weights, which in turn has dramatic affects on their confidence and self esteem.
So, let’s see where you stand.
Many doctors simply look at your height, and based on a chart, tell you what your healthy weight should be. This is a very ineffective style, not factoring in muscle mass. Others look at your height and weight, and determine your body fat percentage using that information. Again, this does not take into account muscle mass. It is not uncommon for these techniques to say that an athlete, or someone with a lot of muscle mass is actually overweight.
There are more accurate ways to get your BMI.
How To Answer, “Am I Fat”? Some standard numbers that people use to determine if they are overweight are as follows.
Age               Lean                Normal              Overweight      Obese
20-40 yrs  Under 21%        21-27%               27-35%          Over 35%
41-60 yrs   Under 23%       23-32%               32-38%         Over 38%
61-79 yrs    Under 24%      24-35%               35-40%          Over 40%
Age                 Lean               Normal         Overweight      Obese
20-40 yrs    Under 13%      13-19%           19-25%         Over 25%
41-60 yrs     Under 15%      15-22%          22-27%         Over 27%
61-79 yrs     Under 13%      13-25%          25-30%         Over 30%
These numbers vary based on where you get them from, but these are some of the more common numbers. Others may fluctuate a few percent either direction.
So, how do you get an accurate measurement of your body fat. Well, the most effective way is very impractical. Using a dunk tank, they lower you into the water and measure the displacement.
Some more practical techniques include pinch tests, and the most common, electrical impedance. This is when you step on a scale barefoot, it sends a signal through your body (far too weak for you to even feel), and based on the amount of resistance that it faces, it determines your body fat percentage. These scales were originally frowned upon. People questioned their accuracy, claiming that they did not take into account hydration levels. Now, if you want to answer, Am I Fat, they are one of the most effective ways to do it. They have come a long ways with the technology, some even telling you your hydration level in addition to your weight and body fat percentage, and they are very affordable. I have tried to use some the lesser expensive ones, and the $20 one from the corner store, unfortunately, is not always very reliable. Here are some great, affordable options for effective scales.

OK, so you know the numbers. Are you fat?
Do you need to start losing weight?
OK, let me take that question a step further.
Do you want to get into the best shape of your life?
Men and woman’s bodies are very different. I am going to suggest the top men and women’s workout programs for you to check out. They are all risk free, offering full money back guarantees. I am suggesting there particular programs because I have looked at them, I have seen success story after success story come from them, and simply put, THEY WORK! If you are here because you asked, “Am I Fat?”, then you need to check out these programs.
Women – Solution To, Am I Fat?
I am going to suggest 3 different programs. Honestly, all 3 are extremely effective. It is more of a personal preference which one you want to try out.
The first is TurboFire – Created by Chalene Johnson, this total body conditioning program uses a kickboxing and interval training to melt away the fat, burning 9X more fat than traditional cardio! This program is available for $119.85
Next is Slim In 6 – Reshape your body in 6 weeks with Debbie Siebers and Slim in 6. The combination of cardio and light resistance training will help you burn fat and tone up without bulking up. This program is great for people looking to lose weight for an upcoming event. It is available for $59.85
Last is ChaLEAN Extreme – Muscle burns fat, PERIOD! This program by Chalene will help you build tone muscle (not bulk), and blast your fat. You will see remarkable changes in your body with this program, and may just get into the best shape of your life! It is available for $89.85
Men – Am I Fat? Not After These Programs
Like I did for the women, I am going to suggest 3 programs. All 3 are incredibly effective, and they are all guaranteed or you can return them.
First is 10 Minute Trainer – This program was created by Tony Horton. It is perfect for the person just getting into fitness, or the person that just feels they don’t have time to workout. These short, effective workouts, in conjunction with the meal plan that is included, will have you shedding pounds and getting tone. This program is available for $79.90
Second is P90X – This program, also created by Tony Horton, has created a world wide fitness craze. Tens of thousands of success stories have come from P90X. This 90 extreme home fitness program consists of 12 workouts, combining strength training, cardio, core work, yoga and flexibility. You will not believe the results that you get from this program. I highly suggest taking a before picture when the program arrives. You will not recognize yourself in 90 days. This program is available for $119.85
Last is Insanity – This program, created by Shaun T, is, well, Insane. This is not for the person that needs to drop some serious weight. It is more focused on people that are in decent to good shape, and are looking to get lean. You will work hard with this program, and you will get Insane results. This program is available for $119.85