If you are asking yourself, “Is Beachbody Legit”, you are probably looking into becoming a Team Beachbody Coach.  The short answer, YES!  The longer answer, it depends on what you are looking to do.  I am about to give you the real scoop on Beachbody.  With  that information, you should be able to make an educated decision about whether or not it is for you.

So, Is Beachbody Legit?

When most people look at a business opportunity like Beachbody, they wonder if it is a pyramid scheme.  Is Beachbody a Pyramid Scheme?  Not at all.  It is a legitimate company, which had decided to use the network marketing model to grow.  Why use that model if it turns some people off?  That is simple!  Network marketing allows ANYBODY with the desire to build a business the opportunity to do it.  There is nothing illegal about it, and the people that take the time to do real research know that.  Most people do not have the ability to open their own business.  They do not have the time, money, or the knowledge.  To Become A Beachbody Coach, you only need a little money, a little time, and they give you the knowledge.  They even make the signup process super easy.  Just CLICK HERE to get started.

OK, Beachbody Is Legit……But How Do You Make Money?

If you are looking for a simple answer, coaches make 25% commissions of sales.  My guess is you are looking for more than that.  The truth is, most Beachbody coaches on Challenge Groups.  Basically, you set up people to all start a workout together.  It gives them that sense of community and support, and everyone in the group buys the programs.  It is a great way to make sales, and a lot of people enjoy it so much, and see such great results, that they become coaches too.  I have never heard someone ask, Is Beachbody Legit, that was in a Challenge Group.  Once people see the products work, and meet the coaches, they see how great the company is.

THE PROBLEM – A lot of people do not want to start challenge groups, or talk to people one on one.  There are a lot of reasons for this.  The most common one that I see is also the most common I see people decide not to become a coach.  They feel that they are not in good enough shape.  DO NOT let that stop you from becoming a coach!  You build the business as you make your transformation, and people will love you for it.  But, if you are still not comfortable building the business face to face, you have come to the right place!  Most coaches are only able to help you with the techniques that Beachbody recommends,  NOT ME!  I teach me team how to market online, and I am not just talking about putting up Facebook posts!  I am talking about getting people interested in the products, and becoming a coach, to come to you!  The fact that you are reading this is proof of that.

Is Beachbody Legit?  YES!!

It is, and there is money to be made.  I want to help you make it!  Why?  Because when you are a coach on my team, it is mutually beneficial.  The more money that I help you make, the more money I make.  On top of that, the more coaches that I have that are successful, the better job we are doing in the fight against obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and sedentary lifestyles!

If you are still debating on whether or not you should become a coach, what is holding you back?  You can shoot me an email with your questions (check out the Contact ME tab), and I will be happy to talk over the details with you.  You are probably on the page because you were asking yourself Is Beachbody Legit?  You have your answer.  Now it is time to DECIDE – COMMIT – SUCCEED


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